From Propaganda to Product: The Arthurian Legend in Modern Tarot Decks


  • Melissa Ridley Elmes University of North Carolina at Greensboro



Cultural Studies, Religion, Reception History


In Britain and the United States, the legend of King Arthur has long served as a tool of political propaganda; however, in contemporary tarot decks focusing on Arthuriana, the initially Christian Arthurian legend is reappropriated for a predominantly pagan consumer base. This essay explores the employment of the legend in tarot cards marketed to a New Age and Neopagan audience steeped in the Celto-Arthuriana tradition. A survey of online reviews and discussions by pagan users suggests that using a pagan version of the Arthurian legend to appeal to a broad Neopagan consumer base has met with some success.

Author Biography

  • Melissa Ridley Elmes, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
    Melissa Ridley Elmes is a doctoral candidate in English at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her primary concentration is in the medieval period, with a focus on post-Conquest through 15th century British literatures. Her secondary research fields are early modern and nineteenth/twentieth century Arthuriana and medievalism.




How to Cite

From Propaganda to Product: The Arthurian Legend in Modern Tarot Decks. (2013). Relegere: Studies in Religion and Reception, 3(2), 381–406.